The Christmas Haul!

Not that many clothes this year, probably on account of being pregnant. I don't blame people... I'm scared to buy clothes for myself too. But, here's what I DID get as far as fashion goes.

I got the cutest Anthropologie blouse, but sadly, it was WAY too small. I even sized up and it was still not even close to zipping. I sincerely doubt I would have fit into it when I wasn't pregnant. So, even though I loved it, I'm exchanging it for these two things:

Through-the-Clouds Tank

Pindot tights:

Here's what I DID get:

Johara Necklace

Sensible yet cute flats from Target (except I got the second pair in a fuschia color) for when I can't shove my swollen feet into heels anymore...

...and some crazy cute pumps from ModCloth for while I still can ;)

I got a Tulle giftcard from my awesome brother-in-law and his wife, which I am hanging on to until Jan. 5th. I think I read somewhere that there is another sweet sale lurking in the future. I have my eye on these:

And if the sale is really good I also like these:

I also got a Chinese Laundry purse that is the most gorgeous turquoise color, but can't seem to find a picture of it online at the moment. It was from so I have a feeling that it's quite old.

We have one more Christmas to go (next weekend) and here's what I'm still pining for:

It's not on anymore, but I did see it in my J Crew this weekend and they still have it in my size!

MAYBE this. I almost ordered it from Anthro instead of the pindot tights, but it didn't receive the greatest reviews. Too low cut was the biggest complaint. I decided that it might be one I need to try on in-store.

Poetic License pumps. A bit pricey to expect for a Christmas present, but I pine for them anyway.
Another Anthro pick. I didn't go with this for my exchange because I feel like it's one of those that will probably end up on sale sooner or later.

This wasn't on my Christmas list, but it has caught my eye a few times and it might be in consideration if I get a J Crew giftcard:

Whoops. Or not. I just saw that they're down to XS only online. Maybe they have them in my size in-store still.
Also not on the list, but catching my eye:


And I thought this was a bit blingy for everyday wear, but I've seen it dressed down on a couple of blogs and it's actually quite cute.


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